Quantics TCI of univariate function#
This tutorial shows the QTT quantics approach to interpolate 1-dimensional functions.
The first line in the following code block imports the packages xfacpy as well as standard Python packages for numerical computations and plotting (lines 3-5).
import xfacpy
import numpy as np
from math import cos, sin, exp, sqrt, log, atan
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Example 1#
The first example is taken from Fig. 1 in Ritter2024.
where \(b = 2^{-30}\). In Python, this can be written as:
def f(x):
b = 2**(-30)
return cos(x / b) * cos(x / (4 * sqrt(5) * b)) * exp(-x**2) + 2 * exp(-x)
def fcaching(x): # this is just to plot later the sampled points
y = f(x)
fcaching.sampled[x] = y
return y
fcaching.sampled = {}
Let’s examine the behaviour of \(f(x)\). This function involves structure on widely different scales: rapid, incommensurate oscillations and a slowly decaying envelope. Below we plot \(f(x)\) in interval \(x \in [0, 2^{-23})\) (upper panel) and \(x \in (0, 3]\) (lower panel):
fig, ax = plt.subplots(2)
xs = np.linspace(0, 2.0**(-23), 1000)
ax[0].plot(xs, [f(x) for x in xs])
xs = np.linspace(0, 3, 100000)
ax[1].plot(xs, [f(x) for x in xs])
for axis in ax:
QTT representation#
A quantics grid is an uniform grid with \(2^R\) points in [a,b):
where \(\Delta = (b -a)/2^R \) and \(i=0,1,...,2^R-1 \).
The function \(f\) is mapped to a tensor with \(R\) legs in the following way. The binary digits \(\{\sigma_i\}\) of \(i\) are used as indices of the tensor \(F\) defined by: $\( F(\{\sigma_i\})=f(x_i) \)$
Let’s construct a QTT representation of our \(f\) on the domain \([0,3)\) using \(2^{40}\) points.
qgrid = xfacpy.QuanticsGrid(a=0.0, b=3.0, nBit=40) # build the quantics grid
args = xfacpy.TensorCI2Param() # fix the max bond dimension
args.bondDim = 15
ci = xfacpy.QTensorCI(f1d=fcaching, qgrid=qgrid, args=args) # construct a tci of the quantics tensor
while not ci.isDone():
Check the convergence#
Here, we’ve created the object ci
which is both a QTensorCI
and a TensorCI2
The first thing to check is the convergence, ie, how the pivot error decrease.
plt.ylabel("pivot error")
Plotting the approximation#
Let’s get the approximated function qtt
. It can be saved/loaded to a hard disc, evaluated, and plotted:
qtt = ci.get_qtt() # the actual function approximating f
xs = np.linspace(0, 2.0**(-23), 1000)
fs = [f(x) for x in xs]
tts = [qtt.eval([x]) for x in xs]
plt.plot(xs, fs, '-', label='exact')
plt.plot(xs, tts,'--', label='QTT approx')
Above, one can see that the original function is interpolated very accurately.
Let’s plot of \(x\) vs interpolation error \(|f(x) - f_{QTT}(x)|\) for small \(x\)
plt.plot(xs,[abs(a - b) for a, b in zip(fs, tts)], '.')
plt.ylabel(r"$|f(x) - f_{QTT}(x)|$");
Function evaluations#
Our TCI algorithm does not call elements of the entire tensor, but constructs the TT (Tensor Train) from some elements chosen adaptively. On which points \(x \in [0, 3]\) was the function evaluated to construct a QTT representation of the function \(f(x)\)? Let’s plot f and the evaluated points together.
xs_evaluated = [x for x,y in fcaching.sampled.items()]
fs_evaluated = [y for x,y in fcaching.sampled.items()]
plt.plot(xs, fs)
plt.plot(xs_evaluated, fs_evaluated, "x", label="evaluated points")
plt.xlim(0, max(xs))
plt.ylim(0.8, 3.3)
print(f'{len(fcaching.sampled)} sampled points')
8115 sampled points
Example 2#
We now consider the function:
One can construct a QTT representation of this function on the domain \([-10, 10]\) using a quantics grid of size \(2^\mathcal{R}\) (\(\mathcal{R}=20\)):
qgrid = xfacpy.QuanticsGrid(a=-10, b=10, nBit=20) # build the quantics grid
# Function of interest
def f(x):
return (
np.sinc(x) + 3 * exp(-0.3 * (x - 4)**2) * np.sinc(x - 4) - cos(4 * x)**2 -
2 * np.sinc(x + 10) * exp(-0.6 * (x + 9)) + 4 * cos(2 * x) * exp(-abs(x + 5)) +
6 * 1 / (x - 11) + sqrt(abs(x)) * atan(x / 15))
args = xfacpy.TensorCI2Param() # fix the max bond dimension
args.bondDim = 15
ci = xfacpy.QTensorCI(f1d=f, qgrid=qgrid, args=args) # construct a tci of the quantics tensor
while not ci.isDone():
Plot the convergence of the pivot error#
plt.ylabel("pivot error")
Plot the actual approximation of the function#
As before the function can be plotted against the exact one. Note that the last point at \(x = 10\) is not included, the quantics grid runs only on interval \([-10, 10)\).
qtt = ci.get_qtt() # the actual function approximating f
xs = np.linspace(-10, 10 - 2**(-20), 1000)
plt.plot(xs,[f(x) for x in xs], '-', label='exact')
plt.plot(xs,[qtt.eval([x]) for x in xs],'--', label='QTT approx')