Integration of a multivariate function#
The first example is taken from Ref. [1] and shows the most obvious application of TCI, the calculation of an N-dimensional integral. For definiteness, we consider a toy example from Ref. [2] for which the result is known analytically: the computation of the following integral over a hypercube:
For \(\mathcal{N}=5\), the analytical solution of above integral is
The first line in the following code block imports the packages xfacpy as well as standard Python packages for numerical computations and plotting (lines 3-5).
import xfacpy
import numpy as np
from math import log
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
In the next lines of the following code block, the dimension \(\mathcal{N}=5\) and the user-supplied function f
are defined. Line 4 defines an (optional) attribute of f
, neval
, counting the number of times the integrand is called; line 5 defines the integrand. Here x is a list of floats or a numpy array. For each argument \(x_\ell\), the user specifies a grid \(\{x_\ell(\sigma_\ell)\}\)
of \(d_\ell\) quadrature nodes, enumerated by an index \(\sigma_\ell\), and an associated grid of quadrature weights
Here, we use the nodes and weights of the Gauss-Kronrod quadrature, with \(d_\ell=15\) for all \(\ell\).
For convenience, the Gauss-Kronrod quadrature is included in xfac
so that the xfacpy.GK15()
function in line 13 returns two lists, xell
and well
, containing the
quadrature nodes \(\{x_\ell(\sigma_\ell)\}\)
and weights \(\{w_\ell (\sigma_\ell)\}\),
respectively (chosen the same for all \(\ell\)).
N = 5 # Number of dimensions
def f(x): # Integrand function
f.neval += 1
return 2**N / (1 + 2 * sum(x))
f.neval = 0
# Exact integral value in 5 dimensions
i5 = (- 65205 * log(3) - 6250 * log(5) + 24010 * log(7) + 14641 * log(11)) / 24
# Gauss-Kronrod abscissas (xell) and weights (well)
xell, well = xfacpy.GK15(0, 1)
The CTensorCI()
object is created in line 2 of the following code block and is the basic object used to perform TCI on a continuous function, discretized as \(F_\sigma = f\bigl(\mathbf{x}(\sigma)\bigr)\). This class performs the factorization in Accumulative mode.
Note that CTensorCI()}
is a thin wrapper over the corresponding discrete class TensorCI()
creates \(F_\sigma\) from \(f(\mathbf{x})\) and the grids \(\mathbf{x}_\ell(\sigma_\ell)\).
To instantiate the class, two arguments must be provided: the function
, and the grid on which the function will be called,
[xell] * N}
For \(\mathcal{N}=5\), the latter is equivalent to
[xell, xell, xell, xell, xell]
, i.e. five copies
of the GK15 grid (a list of list of points).
The loop in lines 9-12 performs a series of half-sweeps,
alternating left-to-right and right-to-left, to iteratively improve the TCI approximation \(\tilde{F}_\sigma\) of the tensor \(F_\sigma\).
In line 10, tci.iterate()
performs one half-sweep,
and in line 11, tci.sumWeighted([well] * N)
calculates the integral.
# TCI1 Tensor factorization, no environment
tci = xfacpy.CTensorCI1(f, [xell] * N)
# Estimate integral and error
itci = []
nevals = []
hsweeps = range(1, 15)
for hsweep in hsweeps:
itci.append(tci.get_TensorTrain().sum([well] * N))
Finally, the next code block plots the results. The left figure shows the relative error for the integral \(|1 - I^{(5)}/\tilde{I}^{(5)} |\) (blue solid lines with circles), and the relative in-sample error \(|1 - F_\sigma/\tilde{F}_\sigma|_\mathrm{max}\) (yellow dashed lines with crosses) plotted against the number of half-sweeps. The right figure shows the corresponding number of calls to the integrand function \(f\) vs. the number of half-sweeps.
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 5))
axes[0].plot(hsweeps, abs(1 - np.array(itci) / i5), '-o', markerfacecolor='none', label=r"$|1 - I^{(5)} / \tilde{I}^{(5)}|$")
axes[0].plot(hsweeps, np.array(tci.pivotError) / tci.pivotError[0], '--x', label=r"in-sample error")
axes[1].plot(hsweeps, nevals, '-o', markerfacecolor='none', color='#4e79a7')
for ax in axes:
ax.set_xlim(1, 14)
ax.set_xticks(range(1, 14, 4))
ax.set_xlabel(r'# of half-sweeps', size=20)
ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=15)
ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=15)
axes[0].set_ylim(1e-14, 1)
axes[0].legend(prop={'size': 15})
axes[0].set_ylabel(r'error', size=20)
axes[1].set_ylabel(r'# of function calls', size=20)
[1] Yuriel Núñez Fernández, Marc K. Ritter, Matthieu Jeannin, Jheng-Wei Li, Thomas Kloss, Olivier Parcollet, Jan von Delft, Hiroshi Shinaoka, and Xavier Waintal, Learning low-rank tensor train representations: new algorithms and libraries, in preparation, (2024).
[2] J. Burkardt, Test_nint, multi-dimensional integration test functions .