Integration of a multivariate function


Integration of a multivariate function#

The first example is taken from Ref. [1] and shows the most obvious application of TCI, the calculation of an N-dimensional integral. For definiteness, we consider a toy example from Ref. [2] for which the result is known analytically: the computation of the following integral over a hypercube:

\[ I^{(\mathcal{N})} = \int_{[0,1]^\mathcal{N}} dx_1 \ldots dx_\mathcal{N} f(\mathbf{x}) , \qquad f(\mathbf{x}) = \frac{2^\mathcal{N}}{1 + 2 \sum^\mathcal{N}_{\ell=1} x_\ell} . \]

For \(\mathcal{N}=5\), the analytical solution of above integral is

\[ I^{(5)} = [- 65205 \log(3) - 6250 \log(5) + 24010 \log(7) + 14641 \log(11)] / 24. \]

The first line in the following code block imports the packages xfacpy as well as standard Python packages for numerical computations and plotting (lines 3-5).

import xfacpy

import numpy as np
from math import log
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

In the next lines of the following code block, the dimension \(\mathcal{N}=5\) and the user-supplied function f are defined. Line 4 defines an (optional) attribute of f, neval, counting the number of times the integrand is called; line 5 defines the integrand. Here x is a list of floats or a numpy array. For each argument \(x_\ell\), the user specifies a grid \(\{x_\ell(\sigma_\ell)\}\) of \(d_\ell\) quadrature nodes, enumerated by an index \(\sigma_\ell\), and an associated grid of quadrature weights \(\{w_\ell(\sigma_\ell)\}\). Here, we use the nodes and weights of the Gauss-Kronrod quadrature, with \(d_\ell=15\) for all \(\ell\). For convenience, the Gauss-Kronrod quadrature is included in xfac so that the xfacpy.GK15() function in line 13 returns two lists, xell and well, containing the quadrature nodes \(\{x_\ell(\sigma_\ell)\}\) and weights \(\{w_\ell (\sigma_\ell)\}\), respectively (chosen the same for all \(\ell\)).

N = 5  # Number of dimensions

def f(x):  # Integrand function
    f.neval += 1
    return 2**N / (1 + 2 * sum(x))

f.neval = 0

# Exact integral value in 5 dimensions
i5 = (- 65205 * log(3) - 6250 * log(5) + 24010 * log(7) + 14641 * log(11)) / 24

# Gauss-Kronrod abscissas (xell) and weights (well)
xell, well = xfacpy.GK15(0, 1)

The CTensorCI() object is created in line 2 of the following code block and is the basic object used to perform TCI on a continuous function, discretized as \(F_\sigma = f\bigl(\mathbf{x}(\sigma)\bigr)\). This class performs the factorization in Accumulative mode. Note that CTensorCI()} is a thin wrapper over the corresponding discrete class TensorCI() that creates \(F_\sigma\) from \(f(\mathbf{x})\) and the grids \(\mathbf{x}_\ell(\sigma_\ell)\). To instantiate the class, two arguments must be provided: the function f, and the grid on which the function will be called, [xell] * N}. For \(\mathcal{N}=5\), the latter is equivalent to [xell, xell, xell, xell, xell], i.e. five copies of the GK15 grid (a list of list of points).

The loop in lines 9-12 performs a series of half-sweeps, alternating left-to-right and right-to-left, to iteratively improve the TCI approximation \(\tilde{F}_\sigma\) of the tensor \(F_\sigma\). In line 10, tci.iterate() performs one half-sweep, and in line 11, tci.sumWeighted([well] * N) calculates the integral.

# TCI1 Tensor factorization, no environment
tci = xfacpy.CTensorCI1(f, [xell] * N)

# Estimate integral and error
itci = []
nevals = []

hsweeps = range(1, 15)
for hsweep in hsweeps:
    itci.append(tci.get_TensorTrain().sum([well] * N))

Finally, the next code block plots the results. The left figure shows the relative error for the integral \(|1 - I^{(5)}/\tilde{I}^{(5)} |\) (blue solid lines with circles), and the relative in-sample error \(|1 - F_\sigma/\tilde{F}_\sigma|_\mathrm{max}\) (yellow dashed lines with crosses) plotted against the number of half-sweeps. The right figure shows the corresponding number of calls to the integrand function \(f\) vs. the number of half-sweeps.

fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 5))

axes[0].plot(hsweeps, abs(1 - np.array(itci) / i5), '-o', markerfacecolor='none', label=r"$|1 - I^{(5)} / \tilde{I}^{(5)}|$")
axes[0].plot(hsweeps, np.array(tci.pivotError) / tci.pivotError[0], '--x', label=r"in-sample error")
axes[1].plot(hsweeps, nevals, '-o', markerfacecolor='none', color='#4e79a7')

for ax in axes:
    ax.set_xlim(1, 14)
    ax.set_xticks(range(1, 14, 4))
    ax.set_xlabel(r'# of half-sweeps', size=20)
    ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=15)
    ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=15)

axes[0].set_ylim(1e-14, 1)
axes[0].legend(prop={'size': 15})

axes[0].set_ylabel(r'error', size=20)
axes[1].set_ylabel(r'# of function calls', size=20)


[1] Yuriel Núñez Fernández, Marc K. Ritter, Matthieu Jeannin, Jheng-Wei Li, Thomas Kloss, Olivier Parcollet, Jan von Delft, Hiroshi Shinaoka, and Xavier Waintal, Learning low-rank tensor train representations: new algorithms and libraries, in preparation, (2024).

[2] J. Burkardt, Test_nint, multi-dimensional integration test functions .